The Connection I made from Bat’s big game

The book “bat’s big game”, this book was written by  Margaret Read MacDonald and illustrated by Eugenia Nobati, this book was about a bat who plays soccer for two teams, he always what to be on the winning side. The first Connection was text to self, in the spring break I was in a  basketball camp so one day the catch called us to vote one of the two people, who is going to win the shooting test, the losing side has to do running,  then I was thinking when shooting test is over then I’ll go to the winner side, but I didn’t. the text to text Connection, I don’t have any book I read that someone in the book always what to be on the winning side. Then the text to world Connection, I believe there were many people always what to be the good or winning side, they are afraid that they lose or they lose something from himself, people like that we can often see around us. Text to media, most people want to show their good side and don’t what to their bad side. some people ;would post something like this team will win, then that team is losing then they would say the other team would win.

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