wanted the perfect pet

The book Wanted The Perfect Pet was written by Fiona Roberton, it is about a boy named Henry, there is something that is very important to, more than anything else.  But his mom side that he already has 27 different varieties of frogs. But Henry thinks that they are all boring. He wants a pet that can play with him, that it can do tricks, catch a ball and chase Henry around the tree. So he decided to advertise and he waited.

Once upon a time, there is a duck, he didn’t have a name. No one wants to play with him, no one ever E-mile him, no one ever knows him. He plays Ping-Pong himself, he watches movies with himself. But one day he opens up the newspaper, he saw a news side that: Wanted a pet dog. Then the duck gets himself look like a dog when he went to the house that they want a dog. Then the door opened, “It’s a dog!” yelled Henry. When Henry was playing with the “dog” Henry found out the this “dog” is not really good a catching a ball or do tricks or chase Henry around the tree. Then the duck’s soft nose and his floppy ears and tail fell off. Henry was stunned. The duck told Henry that he just wants a friend to play with. But Henry doesn’t mind. He took the duck home and gave him a shower, gave a cup of a tea. Then they become best friend ever.

The boy who Harnessed the Wind

The boy who Harnessed the wind was written by William Kam Kwamba and Bryan Mealer. This book was about William live with his family and he made the wind power. His family was very poor, they only eat one meal per day and they don’t have money to pay for William to go to school so William became a farmer work with his dad. One day William closed his eyes and saw a windmill outside his home and he saw the machine drawing cool water from the ground. He diced to build electric wind. He took the metals from everywhere to his house, and everyone thinks he is crazy. After many weeks later William family made it. Now he can light the light ball. And now everyone thinks he is no crazy. But light couldn’t fill empty bellies. So he uses the electric wind on the farming. They made so much food and they won’t be huger again.

The noisy paintbox: the colors and the sound of Kandinsky’s Abstract

The noisy paintbox was written by Barb Posenstock, this book was about a boy found a noisy paintbos thqat makes noisy, but only he can hear the sound the paintbox makes the “hiss” “hiss”sound. He told his mom and dad the paintbox makes noisy but they couldn’t hear it, so they think he is being foolish, then they told him to do some math ot something else. when he found this paintbox he paint aroud the house, then his mom sent him to a art class. As the time pass the boy grow up, he forgot about the noisy paintbox, he live as normal as other poeple. Then on evening the boy attended the opera, as the orchestra’s music crashed around him, the colors of the noisy paintbox twirled in his mind. He star thinking how can he make art let you feel like music, people don’t anderstand the art that the boy draw, that is the felling that the boy want to make people feel. people would think was a house? was it a flower? Or what it supposed to be?

The Connection I made from Bat’s big game

The book “bat’s big game”, this book was written by  Margaret Read MacDonald and illustrated by Eugenia Nobati, this book was about a bat who plays soccer for two teams, he always what to be on the winning side. The first Connection was text to self, in the spring break I was in a  basketball camp so one day the catch called us to vote one of the two people, who is going to win the shooting test, the losing side has to do running,  then I was thinking when shooting test is over then I’ll go to the winner side, but I didn’t. the text to text Connection, I don’t have any book I read that someone in the book always what to be on the winning side. Then the text to world Connection, I believe there were many people always what to be the good or winning side, they are afraid that they lose or they lose something from himself, people like that we can often see around us. Text to media, most people want to show their good side and don’t what to their bad side. some people ;would post something like this team will win, then that team is losing then they would say the other team would win.


Today I shared my math textbook to my classmate, I don’t know why don’t he get his own textbook, share textbook with other is fun, so you can do i with other, it going to be fast to work like this, we can take about it and I also share other things with him, because he is beside me so he can just ask me if I can give him son thing. It a very easy this to do and I fell nice.


People sometimes forget something so they borrow it from someone, last few days my classmate forgot his pencils, so he asked me if I can give him a pencil to use, and I give him a pencil, often I give other people a pencil to use but they never give it back, but he gives it back, I only have one pencil, I use pens. I like to give other people stuff to use if someone forgets something I can give it to him, it a good thing to do.


Yesterday  I had a basketball lesson,  before the class started we were shooting around, when we shot the ball if the ball did when in it would of drop somewhere, i don’t like to run to get get it,  one of my them is shooting the ball, the ball when into me and I throw it bake to him so he don’t have to run to me and get it, after I throw it bake he said thank you to, I fell nice because I helped someone and also it makes other people think i am a nice person.


Every time I go to Google classroom I can see a lot of people were asking what the homework was or they said they were sick so cloud anyone tells them what the homework was, so on Feb 20 some of my classmates were aking what was the homework, Rone toll him to do the Africa map and I told him to study math for the Drok. I fell nice about this, when people are sick we can tell them what to do so they and they don’t miss anything.